The Big 1st Day! Lavender & Lace Opens!

Hillary Small Celebrates 1st Day Opening Lavender and Lace Hair Salon in Asheville North Carolina

Wow! First day opening up a salon in downtown Asheville I'm so excited to announce Lavender and Lace has opened its doors in Asheville NC. Today's first day was so thrilling and scary all at the same time. Getting clients acclimated to parking and directions was expectedly a little stressful but once our clients were inside they were thrilled with the new space! It was such a breath of fresh air to hear my clients saying how happy they were for us and that they thought the salon was beautiful. We offered Beignets as well coffee, champagne, beer and wine. The day started off rainy and gloomy then around noon the sun started to shine through our windows. It was such a nice change to have a beautiful view of the blue ridge mountains with all the leaves changing. We even had a beautiful sunset over town mountain. As the day passed on we still continued to become accustomed to our new space. I was definitely moving a lot slower the first day just trying to figure out "omg where are my framarint foils?" "Where's my favorite Guy Tang brush?" "OMG I've gotta mix color in front on clients as they talk to me??!!!!" SO yes needless to say it took me a minute but I couldn't be happier in my new home salon Lavender and Lace. _hillary