How to find a new hair stylist.
/How to find a new hair stylist. Where to begin? I can help!
Have you ever moved to a new city and had to start all over again? Trying to find a new house, a new doctor, a new dentist and, ugh yes, the dreaded new hair stylist. I’ve had some clients tell me that finding a new stylist was more nerve racking than finding a new doctor. Well, hopefully this little write up will give you some tips and tricks for finding a new stylist.
6 Tips to finding that perfect hair stylist for you in your city.
Browse Instagram & "Google It"
Number one. Do extensive research. Google salons in your area and read the reviews but don’t just read the reviews on the salon itself. Read the reviews on the stylists themselves, look for names. Often you will see a specific stylist named numerous times with great reviews. Find out who they are. Likely on that website there will be a bio about the stylist, a portfolio and possibly a link to their Instagram. From there examine their work. Is it your aesthetic? Do they do long hair or short hair and do you like their color work?
Look around & just ask!
Number two. Look at people around you and see if you like their hair. If you see someone and absolutely love their locks don’t be shy to ask where they get their hair done. People are flattered by this! Often they have a card and many times the stylist offers a referral program. Win win.
You never know, who someone knows!
Number three. Tell your current stylist that you are moving and where you are moving to. You’d be surprised they may have a stylist friend that is fabulous or may be in link with another stylist on Instagram that does great work. Your current stylist knows your hair too, so they will even know better who would make a good match in your new city.
Where did your products move to?
Number four. Research salons that use products or color lines you like. If you like R&Co and Schwarzkopf and you want to stick with those lines, find a salon that is in your product comfort zone that uses them. Finding your same color and products can make the shift much more comforting and familiar. Pro tip, ask you original stylist for the formulas they used. Things won't be so different and unfamiliar after all!
Book a Consultation!
Number five. Book a consultation with your potential new stylist. Go in with your hair styled exactly how you like it and explain what you want. Show them pictures and goals of what you want. Feel the person out. See if you like them and jive with them. Do they understand you? Do you feel they are capable of your needs? No commitments to just meet a stylist and taste the waters. There is nothing wrong with shopping around when it comes to your hair.
Make the leap, book the appointment!
Number six. Book the appointment. Once you have found your potential stylist book the appointment. Have an open mind and do not have unrealistic expectations. This stylist is not your old stylist. They have their own techniques and their own way of doing things. Just because they are doing something different does not mean its wrong. It is their way and that’s how they do it. Also it may not be exactly perfect the first time but give the stylist a chance. They may not nail it exactly the first time but if overall you feel beautiful book your next appointment with them. Often a good stylist will know what they could've done to make it better and will nail it next time. Once they learn your hair your stylist/client relationship will begin to get stronger.
What not to do while on the search for that perfect matching hair stylist.
As well as tips I can tell you some things to not do. Do NOT go to the first fancy salon you walk up to or see online with fabulous reviews and book with just anyone. You could get someone right out of school and they won’t even tell you. Even if you ask for their best they are likely going to give you to the first stylist available. Believe me I have made this mistake a time or two and have walked out with some bad hair.
The search begins! I hope much quicker to that "perfect hair" after this read!
So I hope you’ve learned a bit of good information from this. Just remember, your right stylist is out there, you just have to find them.
I live in Asheville, North Carolina and more and more people are moving here daily. That is what inspired me to write this blog. If you are new in town, Asheville thrives on a healthy networked community of local business and support. I love this town and I'm sure you will too. If you are in the market for a new stylist in the Asheville area I hope I can be your girl.